This is the teaching essentials index of the Second Principle website. It is devoted to imperative expertise and knowledge every 21st century teacher should know, or know how to do. The topical index below indicates discussions important to teaching excellence at any level of education.
If you are a professional educator and have suggestions for additions to this area, I would love to hear from you. Contact Leslie
There is no recipe to be a great teacher, that’s what is unique about them.
Robert J. Sternberg
The current contents consists of the following information and discussions.
A concise discussion on 12 important concepts from educational neuroscience (aka. brain-based education). This discussion comes directly from classroom teachers’ assessments of the most importance concepts inherent in trying to apply educational neuroscience to classroom settings. It also includes discussions on what needs to change in order to make them happen.
An overview of what has changes have taken place in Bloom’s taxonomy from 1950’s original work to the revised version developed by Anderson/Krathwohl in 2000-2001.
And overview of the types of questions teachers should know how to use with examples.
Diversify your teaching methods repertoire – this is a precise listing of a variety of teaching methods and models
A comprehensive listing of a vast array of teaching models with comments, explanations and links. As well as a subdirectory of a series of pages that offer discussions on four specific models of teaching.
How exactly does a teacher attempt to personalize learning experiences for each student? This is the beginning step that illustrates how individual students or small groups of students can be charted through the curriculum benchmarks with either acceleration or enrichment, or with remediation. An essential first step.
Teaching Today’s Students – Things that distinguish this generation of learners
What are Essential Questions?
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